Author Archives: admin

We wanna write a twin stick shooter.

So in the previous post, we showed a little of a prototype we’re working on. We showed it to some other folks who kindly offered us some funds to bring it to PS4, but the deal just didn’t work for us.

We’re still itching to make that game, but full console dev, even digital is just too big for us to properly self fund so … maybe do a sneak preview on mobile? Could that work? Twin stick shooter, on a touch screen? Didn’t you always bang on about on-screen sticks and buttons being a terrible idea?

Oh, what the hell. Let’s give it a go.

Early early prototype

Early early prototype

Week 2

Week 2

Basic player control, AI, weapon switching and some nice visuals, feels pretty nice too.

The Hammer

We had a quiet afternoon the other day, debating starting another game. Rob (ideas) and I (Amir, numbers) both blurted out “Twin Stick Shooter!”. A Paradroid homage was the first thing I ever tried to write in Assembler on my C64, it never got finished and I’ve been meaning to get back to something like it ever since.


This is nothing like it (awesome game, we are not worthy), but might turn into something interesting. Unity is such a joy to use for rapid prototyping, so we spent a couple of days bashing out an idea, and this is it.